September Posting Schedule & Writing Progress
Hello Readers,
September is just around the corner and my stories are flowing like water. Burn Notice is on hold for the moment but that doesn't mean that I stopped writing. The Camp Blood trilogy is two-thirds done at this point and my newest story Reclamation is half-written as well. Reclamation is a different type of story for me. While it is action-based the action is in the first half of the story, the second half is all drama. September I will be spending my time solely on the final part of Camp Blood (to make my October deadlines) after which I will return to Burn Notice and Reclamation.
Fuller House: Long Night at Camp Blood
Prologue 8/23 (Posted)
Chapter 1: Prelude to the Long Night 8/27 (Posted)
Chapter 2: The Long Night Begins 9/03 (Posted)
Chapter 3: Stormy Night 9/10 (Posted)
Chapter 4: Still of the Night 9/17
Chapter 5: Nights End 9/24
Fuller House: Camp Blood - Senior Prom 9/27
Fuller House: Reclamation
Prologue: From Russia With Love 8/30 (Posted)
Chapter 1: Thirteen Years Later 9/06 (Posted)
Chapter 2: Wild Card Situation 9/13 (Posted)
Chapter 3: Calm Before the Storm 9/20
Chapter 4: The Finals 9/27
Fuller House: Arrow Season 2: 10% Complete
Fuller House: Burn Notice: 50 % Complete
Fuller House Camp Blood Trilogy: Pt I: 100%, Pt 2: 100%, Pt 3: 33% Complete
Fuller House RE: 10% Complete
Fuller House Reclaimation: 50% Complete
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