Character Bio: Chelsey Kirkland


Character Name: Chelsey Kirkland

Age: Presumedly the same age as Jackson, Ramona and Rocki

Height: 5ft 2inches

Race: Caucasian & Hispanic

Occupation: Student, Dancer

History:  Chelsey is a student at Bayview High School.  She is on the Bayview Dance team with Ramona, Sienna, and several other girls in their age group.

AN:  Actress Kelsey Lynn Cook was in the episode Fast Time at Bayview High.  She was a member of the school Dance Team and had no speaking lines.  Like all but Sienna, Chad (team captain), and Ramona none were ever named so I created names and whatever history I needed to suit my story.  Which is why I am creating a character bio for this cannon character.

Key Stories:

Full Lips Fuller

Cruising For Love

Stranded (upcoming)


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