Fuller House Arrow Timeline & Summary


 Fuller House: The Arrow Overview

Pre Story:

2021: (May) Jackson Rocki & Ramon complete High School

2025: (May) Jackson, Rocki & Ramon complete their higher education degrees.

2026: (July) Jackson Fuller marries Roxanne "Rocki Mahan.

2030: (May) Jackson Fuller is declared dead after the Trask's R&D Ship sinks in the North China Sea.

(August 1st) Xander & Oliva Fuller are born to Jackson & Rocki Fuller.

Fuller House: Arrow Season 1

Chapter 1: Resurrection - (Aug 14, 2035) Jackson Fuller is found after being thought dead for five years.  Found on an uncharted island in the North China Sea, Jackson makes his way to the mainland trying to reach his home.

Chapter 2: Homecoming -  (Aug 19, 2035) Jackson returns to his family.

Chapter 3: Bring Me To Life - (Sep 9, 2035) Jackson goes before the court to be declared legally alive.  The League of Assassins learns that Jackson Fuller is still alive.

Chapter 4: Proving Your Worth - (Oct 8, 2035) Jackson returns to his previous employers and gets a new job.  He is later abducted.

Chapter 5: Strelka - (Oct 8 & Oct 10, 2035) The Arrow (Strelka) makes his presence known to the Bratva (Russian Mob).

Chapter 6: Welcome Back Jackson Fuller, Hope You Survie the Experience - (Oct 19, 2035) The Trasks throw Jackson a Welcome Back Party.  Jackson is reunited with an old adversary.

Chapter 7: Ambush - (Nov 12, 2035) Jackson believes he's found something the Trasks are hiding.  Unfortunately it is heavily protected.

Chapter 8: Family Time - (Jan 18, 2036) Jackson is recovering from his injuries.  He decides that it is more important to spend time with his family than training & work.

Chapter 9: Reclamation - (Feb 15, 2036) Jackson gets information on the facility and makes a second run, but this time with help.

Chapter 10: The Task - (Feb 15, 2036) The Arrow & Arrowette learn the Trasks big secret.

Chapter 11: A Dark and Stormy Night - (May 28, 2036) The Trask's security firm make their move against Jackson Fuller's family to draw him in for a final encounter.  The entire Fuller family learn new truths about a tragic event from their past.

Chapter 12: Showdown - (May 28, 2036) Senyaka Arashikage vs Jackson Fuller

Fuller House: Arrow Season 2

Chapter 1: Two Years Later
Chapter 2: Canary Call
Chapter 3: Interlude
Chapter 4: Resolving Issues
Chapter 5: Return of the Arrow
Chapter 6: Face Off
Chapter 7: Wedding Day
Chapter 8: Face to Face
Chapter 9: Learning the Truth
Chapter 10: Showdown II
Chapter 11: Epilogue

Sooooo after many, many, many months I have figured out what I want to do with this story.  To the point I will be writing this story before Afterburners as I am still working through the logistics on that one.  Arrow is outlined and ready to go and I will be starting this weekend.  Posting schedule will go up when I have at least half the story written.


  1. I was wondering where you been. I miss your fuller house story. Question have you ever thought about writing a fuller house story where Stephanie classmate Charles reunited? Charles is from full house episode "Silent is golden"

    1. I am still here. I haven't been doing very much writing (obviously) minus Winter Getaway. I have numerous plots in my head but was unable until recently to put them down. A large part of it is that I spent my days outside in my yard writing on nice summer days, something I can't do at the moment. Now that the weather is getting nicer I'm writing more.

      I have to be honest with you Jackson and Rocki are my series Protagonists and the rest are just secondary characters so Stephanie will never be a big part of my stories, sorry.


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